Timber Tech LLC (DBA: Timber Tree Care) is led by Tim Hutzley
MD LTE #2805
ISA Certified Arborist® CERT ID: MA-7277A
GISP #91843
MD DE Master Logger #412.
Tim grew up trimming trees in his family’s yard and for friends whenever the opportunity arose. The family had an 18-foot climbing wall in the backyard, so Tim quite literally grew up in a harness.
As a kid, he always carried a green duffel bag packed with a harness and rope, ready to rappel off anything too high to jump from. When he met his now-wife, their dates included rappelling off an abandoned bridge and rock climbing. Shortly after marriage, they joined the Sheriff's Mountain Search and Rescue Team, where they deepened their expertise in advanced rigging systems and emergency medical response.
Throughout his career, Tim has worked on many arboriculture projects, his favorite being a massive three-stemmed, 42-inch diameter at breast height (DBH) White Oak on what was once George Washington’s pig farm in Alexandria, VA.
In addition to arboriculture, Tim is also a Certified GIS Professional (GISP) and an FAA-Certified sUAS Pilot. He has completed GIS and sUAS projects for numerous clients, including local governments, land surveyors, and the Department of Defense.
Tim founded Timber Tree Care with a clear mission: to provide expert tree care while making a meaningful impact. He finds deep satisfaction in knowing that his work helps families feel safer in their homes, preventing potential damage before it happens. He also hopes to create opportunities for others interested in tree care, serving as the mentor he never had. Additionally, by leading his own company, he can ensure that emergency tree work and assistance for those in need remain a core focus.
< More bios to come >